Our Human Connection Knows No Distancing

Using Virtual Technology and the Open Table Model

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Our hearts go out to all those impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. We are especially worried about those with complex needs. Their challenges are multiplied by this crisis. They have trouble navigating the healthcare system. They don’t have money to stock up. They are losing low paying service jobs quickly. They may not have shelter to even shelter in place. They face challenge after challenge.

What is Open Table?

For more than fourteen years, Open Table, a 501 c3 non-profit organization, has been developing models and processes and training community sectors and people from different backgrounds to organize their relational and social capital to invest in people with complex needs and community initiatives. Open Table trains organizations, including businesses, faith communities, foundations, government, healthcare systems, social service agencies, universities, and others to implement processes to access social capital and the overall abundant resources of a community.

In the central Open Table model, through a “Table,” individuals are trained to use their vast relational capital and social networks to support an individual or family. This model of support can be implemented virtually.

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Get Started Now-Download the White Paper

SmallerLearn more about sharing your organization’s relational and social capital virtually to help others in your community right now.

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