Rachelle is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 20 years experience working with at-risk youth and families and serves as Sr. Director of Community Initiatives for Open Table.

Rachelle Butler, LSCW
Sr. Director of Community Initiatives
Rachelle Butler, LCSW, joined Open Table in 2019 and has more than 20 years of experience working with at-risk youth and families. Prior to Open Table, Rachelle led the Virginia System of Care implementation in 5 regions across Virginia. In 2016, as the project manager for the System of Care grant in the Richmond area, Rachelle launched Open Table in the central region of Virginia. Open Table is now a statewide movement.
As a credentialed coach and trainer in evidence based practices, Rachelle leads training and implementation for Open Table. She also trains, supports, and supervises the Open Table Field Team.
Rachelle has a Bachelor of Science Degree from New England College and a Masters of Social Work Degree from Virginia Commonwealth University. When Rachelle is not working, you can find her with her son having dance parties, running around on the local trails, or just spending time with friends. Rachelle had the privilege of serving on multiple Tables and continues to be inspired by the Open Table process. In 2017, Rachelle was introduced to a family of 4 and immediately knew that they would be her forever family. The three children call her Aunt Rachelle and the mother who entered her life on that day over 7 years ago continues to be a sister to her. Rachelle lives in Richmond, Virginia.